Whether it was the beating of the drums or the hint of bellydancers, it was the gypsies
that called him.
Items constructed:
Reversible Vest/Jerkin
Vest/Jerkin is
brushed camel colored cotton on one side and brown/rust striped on the
other side with orange/rust pattern in fabric
Rust crinkle cloth cotton
Cotton dyed to get a more natural
looking blue color since the fabric in the stores looked too modern.
Extra length so can be worn outside pants with sash around waist.
Burgandy cotton shirt.
Navy cotton trousers
requested to be full length with drawstrings at ankles so that the
can be worn with other outfits.
Flat Cap
Camel colored cotton flat cap
Gypsy Hat
Crinkle cloth top with braided colorful cotton colors
on headband with ties left undone in back